{ "en-US": { "translation": { "LPBD": { "title": "Landing Page", "accessDenied": "Access Denied", "nodeTitle": "Landing Page", "noIdsProvided": "Wrong solution/module ID or not enough access rights", "noItemsMessage": "There are no items in this section", "breadcrumbs": { "home": "Home" }, "filter": { "all": "All" }, "notFoundPage": { "breadcrumbsLabel": "Page not found", "title": "404 Error", "description": "Sorry, but the page you are looking for is no longer available or it doesn’t exist.", "hint": "Need more information? Please contact your administrator", "homeBtn": "Return home" } }, "AppFrame": { "notifications": "Notifications", "noNotifications": "No new notifications", "notificationAlreadyRead": "The notification has already been read", "notificationRead": "Mark as Read", "notificationDismiss": "Dismiss", "seeAll": "See All", "dateFormat": "MMM dd, yyyy, hh:mm:ss a", "myProfile": "My Profile", "logout": "Logout", "switchLabel": "Switch Solutions", "searchPlaceholder": "Search", "sitemapAPIError": "Cannot load sitemap data", "notificationsAPIError": "Cannot load notifications", "wsConnectionError": "Cannot establish WebSocket connection", "modalMinutes": "minute(s)", "modalSeconds": "second(s)", "idleTitle": "Session timeout", "idleText": "You've been inactive for a while. For your security, we will automatically log you off in approximately {{duration}}. Do you wish to continue your session?", "idleConfirm": "Yes, Continue Session", "idleCancel": "No, Log Off", "lifetimeTitle": "Your session has reached time limit", "lifetimeText": "Due to our security policy we will automatically log you off in approximately {{duration}}. Your session will be restored after logging in", "lifetimeConfirm": "Log Off in {{duration}}", "lifetimeCancel": "Log Off Now" } } } }